Course development (University of Nebraska Omaha)
Money in American Politics (undergraduate and graduate)
State Politics and Government (undergraduate and graduate)
As course instructor (University of Nebraska Omaha)
Introduction to American Government (in-person, Fall 2022 -- Spring 2024)
Political Parties in American Politics (online, Spring 2023 and Summer 2024)
Graduate Seminar in American Government (online, Fall 2023)
Introduction to Political Inquiry and Writing (online, Fall 2022 and Fall 2023)
Graduate Seminar in Political Science Research Methods (online, Fall 2024)
As course instructor (University of California San Diego)
Introduction to American Politics (in-person, Summer 2018 and Spring 2019)
The Presidency (in person, Summer 2019)
The U.S. Congress (remote, Summer 2020)
Interest Group Politics (remote, Summer 2020)
Pedagogical training
Evidence-Based Strategies for College Teaching, UC San Diego, 2020
Foundations of Online Teaching, UNO, 2023